I AM A cyborg <body> <body bgcolor="black">
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

feeling kinda board 2day..

if i gona gone from this world,will anyone notice?
if i leave this world now,will i leave in regrets?
if i have a wish,what could i wish for?
if i cross the road one day,will i b kena bang by a car?
Why i keep on having IF in my heads now....
why?why?why?does someone know the answer to me?
why i keep having the thought i having something missing in my hearts?
why does this have to happen?
why must it happen to me?
why cant it happen to others?
why why?
Does soemone have the answer?
(Its hard to love someone but its harder to let it go)


found DEAD or ALIVE at 8:10 PM